Cobey Adam England Scholarship Program

The purpose of the St. Andrew’s Society of Mid-Maryland, Inc. is to perpetuate Scottish traditions and culture through education and demonstration, and to dispense such charitable or educational assistance as is deemed worthy.

The Cobey Adam England Scholarship Program is named in memory and celebration of Cobey’s amazing life.  Cobey was the first individual to receive a scholarship from our Society. Cobey pursued Hammer Dulcimer lessons and became an expert musician performing at numerous Burns Suppers and in many festival music programs.

Cobey also was an accomplished dancer in Scottish Country Dancing, Highland, and Irish dance. He frequently performed for the Society and other venues.  He then excelled in Ballroom Dancing becoming an award-winning competitor at the national level. Cobey was an inspiring dance instructor.

Cobey and his family, mother Judith and father Jeff, have been stalwart supporters of the Society and the Frederick Scottish Country Dancers for many years.

Born on January 29, 1993 Cobey, just 27 years old, was killed in a tragic motorcycle accident on August 22, 2020.

Cobey’s life story can be found at:  LEGACY

To apply please read the policy here: POLICY

Download the application here: APPLICATION or apply online HERE

SASMM has provided scholarship and grants to:

2023 Scholarship to Brynn Henderson-Passaro for Highland Dancing

2023 Scholarship to Siobhan Williams for Bag Piping

2019 Scholarship to Bradana Crawford for Scottish Highland Dance and National Competition

2019 Scholarship to the Frederick Scottish Country Dancers for the 25th Anniversary Celebration

2016 Scholarship to Samantha Grimes for Scottish County Dancing

 2016 Scholarship to Meagen Reinhardt for Scottish Country Dancing

 2015 Scholarship to Walkersville High School Student for Scottish Country Dancing

2012 Grant to United States Inter-Regional (USIR) in Highland Dancing

2010 Calvert County Fire & EMS Pipes and Drums, Inc.

2009 Scholarship to Caitlin McLean to pursue Highland Dancing

2006 Scholarship to Kaitlin Wiggington to attend the Balmoral Piping and Drumming Course

2005 Scholarship to Cobey England for Hammered Dulcimer lessons

2005 Grant to Westie Rescue, Inc

The following organizations have been designated beneficiaries of SASMM’s Celtic Festival event:

2018 Hero Dogs, Inc

Three Founders of the Society, Dorothy Penders, Cindy Wolfe, Celia Kirby, and the 2018 Festival Chair, Marianne Elliott, had the honor of presenting a check to Nikki Charles, Executive Director and Hero Dog Honor. Hero Dog Maggie attended the presentation and assisted with picture taking.

The festival donation included contributions from the Celtic Festival, the Clustered Spires British Car Club who donated their car show registration fees, and the dance group, Tir na nOg who contributed their performance fee.

For the second time, Hero Dogs was the designated charity of the Mid-Maryland Celtic Festival. Hero Dogs raises, trains, and places service dogs and other highly skilled canines, free of charge with lifetime support of the partnerships.

Check out their website and see Hero Dog Clara’s new puppies.


2018 Hero Dogs, Inc.

Service Dogs for America’s Heroes.

2017:  Platoon 22

Platoon 22 is a traveling memorial started by the non-profit 22 Needs A Face. The boots in the Platoon 22 memorial symbolize the 22 lives lost per day, 682 lives lost per month, and over 8,000 veteran lives lost each year to suicide attributed to PTS.

Platoon 22 is a non-profit organization dedicated to funding necessary research in order to better understand Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and its impact on the Military Veteran community. This research is critical so that we can understand effective diagnosis and potentially identify ways to improve the process and accuracy of diagnosis. Research is also needed to better understand what treatment options are working for these Veterans and which are not. We are still losing 20 Veterans per day to suicide.


2016 Hero Dogs, Inc.

Service Dogs for America’s Heroes.


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–  Marianne Elliott, President; Bill Elliott, webmaster; Barbara Collins, Founder and Recording Secretary present the donation check to Mark L. and Chris C., Warrior 360, who were participating in the Virginia Scottish Highland Games.  Mark and Chris, along with two other Wounded Warriors, participated in our inaugural Wounded Warrior Division started at our festival in 2013.

2015 Warrior 360


2014 Operation Second Chance

2013 Operation Ward 57 and Wounded Warrior Project

2010 American Cancer Society