Distinguished Service Award

  The St. Andrew’s Society of Mid-Maryland has created the Distinguished Service Award (DSA) as a public acknowledgment of members in good standing who have demonstrated outstanding and distinguished service to the Society.

2022 Distinguished Service Award Recipient


Jacqueline “Jackie” Parker

Jackie Parker has continually stepped up whenever she can to help and participate at any and all Society events, has helped plan and run wonderful Hogmanay events for several years, is an almost constant presence in the SASMM booth at local events, has served the Board effectively for the past several years in key roles, most notably stepping up to take over as President when the position was vacated and agreeing to run again. Her commitment to Scottish heritage is unquestioned, even though it’s not in her “blood,” and she is fast becoming an expert on travel to Scotland, having gone there multiple times in the past five years.
She is definitely an asset to the Society and has made the organization more effective as a participant at the highest levels during what can only be seen as “trying times” for the organization.

2019 Distinguished Service Award Recipient

Dawn Fernald-Spruill 

2018 Distinguished Service Award Recipient

Our Society is pleased to announce Marianne Miraldi Elliott as the 2018 recipient of the Distinguished Service Award!

Marianne Elliott has been active in the life of the Society for many years. She has served on the board, serving as President of the Society 2014-2016. Marianne chaired or co-chaired the planning committee for the Mid-Maryland Celtic Festival – the flagship event of the Society – for a number of years, ending with the 2018 iteration of the event. She and her husband, Bill, have been a stalwart presence in the Society tent at various events around the region and she has worked tirelessly on behalf of the Society throughout her tenure as a member. Marianne is always willing to lend a hand whenever she is able to do so and her support of the Society is much appreciated. And she’s not even Scottish!


2017 Distinguished Service Award Recipient


Our Society is pleased to announce Barbara Collins as the 2017 recipient of the Distinguished Service Award!

A Founding member of SASMM, Barbara Collins has given freely of her time and talent for years and still does. She has served as Recording Secretary for several terms and brings common sense and principle to discussions. Barbara is action-oriented and gets things done Not only has she supported the festival for many years in various areas (from children’s area to logistics to the inaugural recycling program in 2016 after four years of failed attempts by others), she supports the SASMM traveling tent at almost all events. Barbara is a  great Society ambassador who proactively reaches out to everyone, friendly and engaging. She arranges the Celtic Night at the Keys and attends numerous events and helps at all of them. In addition Barbara is a Scottish Country Dancer. She has great ideas, takes initiative, and can be counted on to follow-through putting the Society first.

2016 Inaugural Distinguished Service Award Recipient


Our Society is pleased to announce Lucinda (Cindy) Wolf as the first recipient of the Distinguished Service Award.

 Cindy is a long-time, staunch support of the Society. Over her many years of service, Cindy has served on the Board of Directors as the Treasurer and the Recording Secretary. Cindy’s dedication to the Society is evident in her numerous volunteer efforts in many Society activities. From Burns Nicht Suppers to Kirkin O’ the Tartan to her many roles in the Celtic Festival, Cindy can be found working behind the scenes of numerous events. As our liaison with the Walker’s Shortbread Company she has earned the affectionate title of “The Shortbread Lady.”

 Our Society is fortunate to have such a dedicated volunteer and it is only fitting Cindy received this award.