Throwback Burns Supper 2021
The first Burns supper was July 21, 1801 when nine of Burns’ close friends got together in Alloway, Scotland to mark the fifth anniversary of their friend’s death. The night included a tasty meal (haggis, of course!), performances of Burns’ work, and a speech in honor of the great Bard (now known as the Immortal Memory).
Join us for a “Throwback” Burns Supper similar to the first one!
Prepare your meal to share with a small gathering of your family, friends, or pod-mates, whomever you are comfortable at home. Then we will eat ‘together but separately’ and enjoy an evening of traditional and not-so-traditional fun via Zoom.
“Throwback Burns” Supper
This is a ticketed event. Only registered guests will receive the Zoom link.
Date: Saturday February 27, 2021
Time: 5pm – ~7:30pm
Place: “At home” via Zoom
Registration deadline: 5pm Monday, February 22, 2021
Donation of $10 supports our Cobey England Scholarship Program.
On Friday, February 26, registered guests will receive the Zoom link and the evening’s program.
Please do not share the link.
Not sure how to prepare a Burns supper? Join us for Pre-Burns Cooking Lessons!
Free and open to everyone. No prior registration required. All via Zoom at 7pm ~ 1 hour
Scotch Broth: Saturday, February 6 Zoom Link: Launch Meeting – Zoom
Vegetarian Haggis: Saturday, February 13
Whisky and Honey Mousse: Saturday, February 20
Check our website and social media the day before for the link.
Want an easy “Burns Supper in a Box” or sources for ingredients?
What’s on Your Table?
You’ve made some wonderful Scottish dishes for your Burns Supper; now show them off with some inviting ‘tablescape.’ Use your imagination!