“Wha Daur Meddle Wi’ Me?”
Chief Margaret Eliott of Redheugh
Redheugh, Newcastleton
Roxburgshire, TD9, OSB, Scotland
UK Phone: 013873-75213
USA President Bill C. Elliott
3533 Hopeland Road
Frederick, Maryland 21704
Qualifications for Membership: Any person of Scottish ancestry bearing the
name Elliot in any of its various spellings; the spouse or descendant of
such person; or any person who would like to be a friend of the Elliot Clan.
To promote the general interest in the Elliot Clan; to provide information about Scotland, Clans, Families and
traditions to all interested people; and to cultivate the spirit of kinship and fellowship
among its members, Clan Elliot of Scotland and people throughout the world
while promoting the pride and spirit of our Scottish heritage and ancestry.
The annual dues are $20.00 for one individual and includes membership to the Clan
Elliot Society, USA and the parent Clan Elliot, Scotland and allows access to the Elliot and Genealogy Websites; the
March, July and November Signal Tower newsletters, including the twice yearly Scotland newsletters.
The first year’s dues, renewal dues or lifetime membership fees must be included with this application.
LIFETIME MEMBERSHIPS: Younger than 31: $500.00 per membership______
31 – 40: $450.00 per membership______ 41 – 50: $375.00 per membership______
51 – 60: $300.00 per membership______ 61 and above: $275.00 per membership______
The enclosed $______ is for a lifetime membership.
Enclosed is $________ for single membership
for the current year November 1 to October 31, payable to Clan Elliot Society USA.
All dues, lifetime memberships, gifts and donations to the organization are
tax deductible under a 501 (c) (3) IRS ruling.
Clan Elliot USA application
Return this form via email to and pay via PayPal using
or for the standard $20 dues payment you can use this Paypal speed button:
or mail the hardcopy and payment:
Clan Elliot Society, USA
Patricia Tennyson Bell, Treasurer/Membership
2984 Siskiyou Boulevard
Medford, Oregon 97504